Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Choosing a President

        Can someone please explain to me why are we still choosing our candidates only by what letter is in front of there name or what animal is on there bumper sticker. How about we start choosing responsible managers who have proven themselves.  When you choose your families physician do you decide on the fact that you would like to get a beer with that person or are you choosing because they have the best experience and educational background?  Does a Fortune 500 company hi their CEO because they want to go fishing with that person? When did the US government become American idol,  except instead of singing we are judging them on their fake sound bite trumped up speeches that are 90% bull crap. It has become a glorified popularity contest. Why is it that most politicians are lawyers,  I don’t have anything against lawyers but there trained to only say what they think we want to here. I have a crazy idea, how about we start voting for proven responsible managers from all fields. Instead of just rich people, we let people of all incomes have a chance to earn the job of president or senator or congress.  Why not let doctors, teachers, fireman, retired professors, engineers, scientists get a legitimate chance to have the job.  I am sorry but super rich people do not relate with the everyday American. Its time to start over, reinvent ourselves. People of all walks of life do it all the time.  People complain about wasted spending by the government, well how about the billions of dollars spent on these silly campaigns, watching grownups accuse each other like a bunch of preteens in Junior high school. Let’s get rid of rich billionaires making candidates sign contracts to do what they tell them in order to bankroll their candidacy. Is that really a free America, being run by a few instead of the majority. The tea party is always using the Constitution as their basis, well if they ever actually read the Constitution , they would know it says "for the people by the people". It does not say for the billionaire that made you sign a contract to give you money so you can get elected and do thy master’s bidding.  Its time we stop all the fake baloney. People are dying out there because a few are playing a power game. You can support any sport team you like and hate any opposing team but the United States is just one team that we are all on. Please start to vote for candidates that are qualified and have actual ideas that will help better all our lives.  Liberty and justice for all should actually mean something.

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